

(Nerium Oleander)



Appearance and Origin
The Oleander (Nerium oleander) is an evergreen shrub or small tree known for its attractive flowers and glossy foliage. It originates from the Mediterranean region and is now found in many warm regions worldwide. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, and dark green, while the flowers can appear in a variety of colors such as white, pink, red, and yellow.

Growth & Blooming Period
It is a fast-growing shrub that typically reaches a height of 2 to 5 meters, although some varieties can grow even taller. The blooming period usually extends from spring to autumn, with the plant continuously producing flowers, especially in warm climates. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance and are often borne in clusters along the branches.

Cultivation and Care
Oleander is an extremely hardy plant that thrives in most soils as long as they are well-draining. They prefer full sun but can also grow in lightly shaded areas. The plant tolerates drought and heat well, requiring only occasional watering once established. Regular pruning after flowering promotes branching and the growth of new flowers.

Pollination mainly occurs through insects, particularly bees and butterflies attracted by the fragrant flowers. The flowers produce ample nectar and pollen to attract pollinators. Pollination leads to the formation of seed capsules containing many seeds to ensure the plant’s reproduction.

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Yellow, Lightpink, Pink, White