Neem tree

 35.000 60.000

(Azadirachta indica)



The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is an evergreen tree of the Meliaceae family, mainly found in the tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia. Also known as the nim tree, it plays an important role in the traditional medicine and agriculture of many countries.

Growth and Appearance
It is a medium to large-sized tree that typically reaches heights of 15 to 20 meters, but under favorable conditions can grow up to 30 meters tall. It has a sprawling, often irregular growth habit and a dense, wide crown. The leaves are arranged opposite each other and are compound with up to 9 to 15 lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are small, fragrant, and white to light cream in color. The fruits are olive green and resemble small apricots.

Cultivation and Care
The neem tree is adaptable and grows well in various soil types, but prefers sandy loam soils with good drainage. It tolerates drought and heat well and is also resistant to pests and diseases. Neem tree care is minimal, although it should be watered regularly, especially during dry periods. The tree can be grown from seeds and usually reaches full size within a few years.

It is an extremely versatile plant and is used in many fields. Its leaves, bark, seeds, and oil are used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases, from skin conditions to diabetes. Neem oil is also used in agriculture as a natural pesticide and insecticide. Additionally, the neem tree is used in the cosmetic industry for the production of soaps, shampoos, and other products.

Pollination primarily occurs through bees and other insects attracted by the fragrant flowers. The flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen, making them an important food source for pollinators. The fruits are dispersed by birds and other animals that eat the seeds and excrete them in other locations.

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40cm to 60cm