
 45.000 150.000

(Fortunella japonica)

SKU: F-KINOTO Category:


Appearance and Origin
The kumquat is a small citrus fruit belonging to the genus Fortunella. Originally from China, it is now cultivated in various subtropical regions worldwide. The fruit is small, oval, or round and has a smooth, orange-colored skin.

The tree is an evergreen shrub or tree that can reach a maximum height of about 3 to 4 meters. It has dark green, glossy leaves and produces small, fragrant flowers, mostly appearing in spring. The fruits grow in small clusters along the branches and are edible when ripe.

Cultivation and Care
It thrives best in warm, subtropical climates with mild winters and hot summers. It prefers well-draining soils and requires regular watering, especially during dry periods. The tree should be pruned regularly to maintain its shape and promote growth.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
Compared to other citrus fruits, the kumquat is sweet and slightly sour in taste. The skin is edible and has a sweet flavor, while the flesh is sour. Kumquat fruits can be consumed fresh, processed into jams, jellies, or juice, and are also often used as decorative elements in the kitchen.

Harvest Time
Kumquat fruits typically begin to ripen after about 2 to 3 years of planting, but this may vary depending on growing conditions and variety. The harvesting period usually extends from autumn to winter when the fruits reach their full color and become soft.

The flowers are mainly pollinated by bees and other insects. Pollination is crucial for fruit formation and yield. In some cases, pollination can also be done manually to enhance fruit formation.

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30cm to 40cm