Japanese loquat

 65.000 250.000

(Eriobotrya japonica)



Appearance and Origin
The Japanese loquat, botanically known as Eriobotrya japonica, is an evergreen tree native to East Asia.

The tree has a spreading crown with dense foliage. It can reach a height of up to 10 meters and is known for its elegant appearance and decorative foliage. It is characterized by its glossy, dark green leaves and attractive white flowers.

Cultivation and Care
The Japanese loquat thrives best in mild, temperate climates and prefers a sunny location with well-drained soil. Regular watering and occasional fertilization promote healthy growth and abundant fruiting.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruits are round and have a velvety, yellow-orange skin; they have a sweet, slightly tart taste and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. They can be consumed fresh or processed into jams, jellies, and desserts. The leaves are used in traditional Chinese medicine and have anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing properties.

Harvest Time
The first fruits are usually borne about 2 to 3 years after planting. The harvest time typically extends from autumn to winter, depending on climatic conditions and geographical location.

The Japanese loquat is self-pollinating and does not require pollination by other trees to produce fruit. However, bees and other pollinating insects can promote fruiting by visiting the flowers and transferring pollen.

Additional information

Height and grafting

ungrafted – 50cm to 70cm, grafted – 100cm to 120cm, grafted – 200cm to 220cm