
 135.000 180.000

(Phyllanthus acidus)



The gooseberry tree, scientifically known as Phyllanthus acidus, originally hails from India and is widespread in many tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. It is also known by various names such as “Otaheite gooseberry,” “Country Gooseberry,” or “Star Gooseberry.”

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
It is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can reach a height of up to 10 meters. It has a dense, spreading crown and bears numerous small, drooping branches. The leaves are small, green, and elliptical in shape. The fruits are round and yellowish-green with five distinct ribs, giving them a prickly appearance.

Cultivation and Care
The gooseberry tree thrives best in warm, humid climates and prefers well-drained, fertile soils. However, it can also tolerate slightly acidic or alkaline soils. The trees require regular watering, especially during dry periods, and should be protected from strong winds. They can be propagated from seeds or cuttings and typically begin bearing fruit within two to three years after planting.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruits have a sour taste reminiscent of green apples. They can be eaten raw or processed into juice, jam, jelly, or syrup. The fruit is also used in the regional cuisine of many countries and can serve as an ingredient in salads, curries, or desserts.

Harvest Time
The first fruits can usually be harvested about two to three years after planting. The exact harvest time varies depending on the location and climatic conditions but typically falls during the summer or rainy season.

It is a self-pollinating plant, meaning it can reproduce successfully without the need for pollinators such as bees or other insects.

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80cm to 100cm