Gold plum

 135.000 180.000

(Spondias dulcis)



The golden plum, botanically known as Spondias dulcis, is a tropical fruit originally from Southeast Asia. It is also known by various names such as “Ambarella,” “June Plum,” or “Golden Apple” and is cultivated in many tropical regions.

Growth and Appearance
They are medium-sized evergreen trees that can reach heights of up to 15 meters. They are characterized by a dense, spreading crown and large, feathery leaves. The fruits are oval to pear-shaped with smooth, yellow to golden skin. They can reach about the size of a tennis ball and have a characteristic sweet-sour taste.

Cultivation and Care
The golden plum thrives best in warm, humid climates and is relatively undemanding in terms of soil. However, it prefers well-drained soils and cannot tolerate frost. The trees require regular watering, especially during dry periods, and benefit from occasional fertilization. They can be propagated by seeds or cuttings and typically begin bearing fruit within three to five years after planting.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruits have a sweet-sour taste with hints of pineapple and mango. They can be eaten raw or processed into juice, jam, chutney, or other delicacies. The fruit is also used in the regional cuisine of many countries and is a popular ingredient in salads, curries, and desserts.

Harvest Time
They typically bear fruit in spring or summer, although the exact harvest time may vary depending on the climate and location. The first fruits can be expected about three to five years after planting.

The golden plum is a self-pollinating plant, meaning it can reproduce successfully without the need for pollinators such as bees or other insects.

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70cm to 90cm