
 125.000 180.000

(Theobroma cacao)

SKU: F-KAKAO Category:


Appearance and Origin
Cocoa, scientifically known as Theobroma cacao, is an evergreen tree from the Malvaceae family. Originally hailing from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, cocoa has been cultivated for centuries. The fruits, also known as cocoa pods, are elongated and contain numerous seeds from which cocoa and chocolate are produced.

Growth and Appearance
They are medium-sized trees that can reach heights of up to 12 meters. They have a broad crown and large, glossy leaves that grow at the ends of the branches. Cocoa flowers are small and delicate, appearing directly on the trunk and main branches of the tree.

Cultivation and Care
The plant thrives best in humid, tropical climates with well-drained soils and abundant rainfall. The plant requires protection from direct sunlight and thrives best in the partial shade of large trees. Growing cocoa requires regular watering, fertilizing, and occasional pruning to promote growth and facilitate harvesting.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruits, cocoa pods, contain cocoa beans, from which cocoa and chocolate are made. The beans have a characteristic slightly bitter taste and are rich in flavors. Cocoa is used not only in the production of chocolate but also in beverages, baked goods, and various other foods.

Harvest Time
Trees typically begin to bear fruit about 3 to 5 years after planting, although this can vary depending on growing conditions. The harvest time for cocoa varies by region but often falls between September and March in tropical growing areas.

Pollination mainly occurs through small flies of the genus Forcipomyia. These flies help pollinate the flowers, leading to the formation of cocoa pods. Cocoa is a self-pollinating plant, meaning pollination occurs within the flower without the need for pollen from other plants.

Additional information


60cm to 80cm, 100cm to 120cm