
 45.000 150.000

(Annona cherimola)



The cherimoya (Annona cherimola) originally hails from the subtropical regions of South America, particularly from the Andean countries of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. It is an evergreen plant cultivated in the region for centuries and globally appreciated for its delicious taste and nutritional properties.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
These trees are medium-sized evergreen trees, typically reaching heights of 5 to 9 meters. They have a dense, spreading crown with large, green, glossy leaves. The flowers are unusual, with three fleshy, yellow-green outer petals and three smaller, curled inner petals. The fruits are heart-shaped to oval and have a green, scaly skin.

Cultivation and Care
They thrive best in subtropical climates with mild winters and warm summers. They prefer well-drained soils rich in organic material. The tree requires ample sunlight to produce fruit but should be protected from strong winds. Regular watering during dry periods and occasional fertilization promote growth and fruiting.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The cherimoya fruit has a unique flavor often described as a blend of pineapple, banana, and strawberry. Its creamy, white flesh is juicy and sweet and is often consumed raw or processed into smoothies, sorbets, and desserts. In some cultures, it is also used in savory dishes. However, cherimoya seeds are toxic and should not be consumed.

Harvest Time
The first fruits can be harvested approximately three to five years after planting, depending on the variety and growing conditions. The main harvesting period is usually in late autumn to winter, typically between November and February.

Cherimoya trees are not self-pollinating and require the assistance of pollinators like bees to produce fruit. Pollination typically occurs through insects or artificial pollination techniques. It is essential to plant other Annona species near the cherimoya tree to ensure adequate pollination.

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40cm to 60cm, 100cm to 120cm