Camu Camu

 140.000 180.000

(Myrciaria dubia)



Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) is a small tree-like plant primarily native to the humid rainforests of the Amazon basin in South America. It grows in the floodplains of rivers and lakes and is particularly abundant in Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. The fruits of the Camu Camu tree are renowned for their exceptionally high vitamin C content and have been utilized for centuries by indigenous peoples of the region as food and medicine.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
These trees are relatively small, typically reaching heights of about 3 to 5 meters. They feature a dense, bushy crown with glossy green leaves arranged in pairs along the branches. The fruits of the Camu Camu tree are round and have a bright red or orange peel when ripe. Each fruit contains several seeds and juicy, tart flesh.

Cultivation and Care
The tree thrives best in humid, tropical climates with ample sunlight. It particularly flourishes in floodplain areas and can be cultivated near rivers or lakes. The plant prefers well-draining soils and requires regular watering, especially during dry periods. Camu Camu trees can be grown from seeds or propagated through cuttings and typically take about 3 to 5 years to bear fruit.

Taste, Usage, and Fruit
The tree’s fruits have a sour taste and are rarely consumed raw. Instead, they are commonly processed into juice, sorbets, ice cream, jams, or other food items. Due to their high vitamin C content, Camu Camu fruits are also utilized in traditional medicine and sold as dietary supplements.

Harvest Time
The first fruits can typically be harvested about 3 to 4 years after planting. The main harvesting season usually occurs in the months of March to June when the fruits are ripe and develop their characteristic red color.

Camu Camu trees are self-pollinating and typically do not require pollinators to produce fruit. The tree’s flowers usually open at night and are pollinated by various insect species, including bees and beetles.

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100cm to 120cm, 150cm to 170cm