Ponytail Palm

 50.000 550.000

(Beaucarnea recurvata)



The Ponytail Palm, scientifically known as Beaucarnea recurvata, is a succulent native to the dry regions of Mexico. It belongs to the Asparagus family (Asparagaceae) and is known for its striking appearance and adaptability to dry conditions.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
It is a slow-growing plant with a thick, succulent trunk that has a characteristic bottle shape. The trunks can grow up to 1 meter thick and are crowned with a dense bunch of narrow, flexible leaves that resemble the shape of elephant ears. The crown size varies depending on the age and environment, but generally, the Ponytail Palm forms an attractive and unusual appearance. The roots of this plant are relatively shallow and spread horizontally to store water reserves.

Cultivation and Care
It is a very low-maintenance plant and thrives best in sunny to semi-shaded locations with well-drained soil. It tolerates drought well and should only be watered sparingly, especially during the winter dormancy period. Waterlogging should be avoided at all costs to prevent root rot. During the growing season, the Ponytail Palm can be occasionally fertilized to promote growth, but this is not necessarily required.

It is a popular indoor plant appreciated for its unusual appearance and low maintenance requirements. It is suitable for cultivation in pots and containers on terraces, balconies, and indoors. Additionally, it is sometimes used in landscaping, especially in dry or xerophytic gardens.

It is a plant that produces both male and female flowers, but pollination is rare in indoor plants. In their natural environment, the flowers are pollinated by insects, leading to seed production. However, indoors, it is unlikely for the Ponytail Palm to bloom or produce seeds.

Additional information


20cm to 30cm, 30cm to 50cm, 50cm to 70cm, 150cm to 170cm