

(Aloysia Gratissima)

SKU: GK-POLEOI Category:


Poleo´i, scientifically known as Aloysia gratissima, is a plant species from the verbena family (Verbenaceae). It originates from the dry regions of Mexico and Central America, where it mainly grows at altitudes ranging from 800 to 2000 meters.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
It is an upright shrub that can reach a height of up to two meters. It is characterized by slender, branched stems and narrow, lanceolate leaves. The leaves are arranged opposite each other and have an intense green color. The flowers are small, white, and fragrant, appearing in dense, erect spikes that attract numerous insects.

Cultivation and Care
It thrives best in sunny locations with well-drained soil, although it can also tolerate semi-shaded conditions. The plant is relatively undemanding and requires only occasional watering, especially during dry periods. Regular pruning promotes bushy growth and stimulates flower formation. Poleo´i is hardy to a certain extent but sensitive to frost. In colder regions, it should be cultivated in pots and kept in a sheltered place during winter.

Taste and Use
Its leaves emit a pleasant, fresh scent and are often used to make aromatic teas. The tea has a refreshing taste and is traditionally used to alleviate gastrointestinal complaints, colds, and headaches. Additionally, Poleo´i can be used as a spice in cooking to enhance salads, soups, and meat dishes.

Harvesting Time
The leaves can be harvested throughout the year depending on the climate and location. The first leaves can be harvested as early as spring once the plant has grown sufficiently. It is advisable to harvest the leaves before flowering as they possess the most intense aroma at this time.

Pollination mainly occurs through bees and other pollinating insects attracted by the fragrant flowers. The flowers produce ample nectar to attract pollinators, thus contributing to reproduction. Sufficient pollination is important for a rich harvest and the formation of healthy seeds.