

(Euphorbia pulcherrima)



Appearance and Origin
The poinsettia, botanically known as Euphorbia pulcherrima, is a popular indoor plant appreciated especially during the Christmas season for its bright red bracts. Originally from Mexico, the poinsettia thrives in subtropical regions. Today, it is cultivated worldwide as a symbol of the holiday season.

Growth and Appearance
Poinsettias grow compact and bushy, reaching heights of up to one meter. The leaves are oval to lanceolate, of medium green color. The striking bracts, often mistaken for flowers, are actually bract-like leaves that can be intensely red, pink, white, or even green. The actual flowers are small and yellowish-green, discreetly situated in the center of the bracts.

Cultivation and Care
For successful cultivation, it needs a bright location protected from direct noonday sunlight. The temperature should be consistent and not too cool, ideally between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. During the growth phase in spring and summer, it requires regular but moderate watering, avoiding waterlogging. From autumn, watering should be reduced to promote flowering. Monthly fertilization with a liquid indoor plant fertilizer is recommended.

Flowering Period
The main flowering period extends from November to January, making it an ideal indoor plant for the Christmas season. However, under favorable conditions, it can also bloom outside of this period.

Pollination occurs primarily through insects, although as an indoor plant, it generally does not produce seeds. However, in its natural environment, insects play a crucial role in pollinating the flowers, leading to seed production.

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Red, Red speckled, White