Philodendron Pakova

 95.000 180.000

(Philodendron Pakova)



Appearance and Origin
The Philodendron Pakova (Philodendron pakova) is an attractive houseplant known for its large, glossy leaves and easy growth. This plant belongs to the Araceae family and is native to the tropical rainforests of South America. The leaves of Philodendron Pakova are heart-shaped and can reach a considerable size. They have a deep green color and a shiny texture, giving them an appealing appearance.

Growth & Blooming Period
It thrives best in a bright location with indirect light. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause leaf burns. This plant has a moderate growth rate and can reach considerable sizes under optimal conditions. The flowering of Philodendron Pakova is rare and rather inconspicuous. Typically, this plant is cultivated for its attractive leaves, which provide visual interest year-round.

Cultivation and Care
Successful cultivation requires regular watering, ensuring that the substrate is not permanently waterlogged. A well-draining substrate that retains moisture while providing good drainage is ideal. Humidity should also be high, so it’s advisable to mist the plant regularly or place it near a source of humidity. Occasional fertilization during the growing season contributes to the health and growth of the plant. Philodendron Pakova can be propagated by cuttings, taking a section of the stem with a healthy leaf and placing it in moist substrate or water until roots form.

Pollination does not play a significant role in indoor cultivation, as this plant is typically grown for its leaves rather than its flowers. However, in their natural environment, Philodendrons are pollinated by various insects, including beetles, flies, and bees. Pollination leads to the formation of seeds that contribute to the plant’s reproduction.

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Small, Medium