Persian lime


(Citrus limetta)



Appearance and Origin
The Persian lime (Citrus limetta) is a citrus fruit belonging to the Rutaceae family and closely related to the lemon. Originally from Southeast Asia, it is now widespread in many subtropical and tropical regions of the world. The fruit has a round to pear-shaped appearance and a smooth, green to yellowish skin. Its interior is juicy and can vary from pale yellow to pale green.

Lime trees are evergreen plants with a dense, spreading crown. They can reach a height of 4 to 7 meters and have dark green, glossy leaves. The blossoms of the Persian lime are white and fragrant, similar to other citrus species.

Cultivation and Care
They thrive best in warm, sunny climates with well-drained soil. They require regular watering, especially during dry periods, and are sensitive to frost. Regular pruning can help control the tree’s shape and promote growth. They can also be grown in pots, making them suitable for balcony or terrace cultivation.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruits have a sweet-tart taste and a pleasant texture. They can be eaten raw or juiced, used in beverages, desserts, and cooking recipes. The peel of the Persian lime is often used to flavor foods and drinks, imparting an intense, lemony aroma.

Harvest Time
They begin to bear fruit after about 1 to 2 years, depending on the growing conditions and the variety. The main harvesting time for Persian limes is usually in winter and spring, although they can bear fruit throughout the year.

Lime trees are typically self-pollinating and do not require specific pollinators to produce fruit. Pollination mainly occurs through bees and other insects that visit the flowers.

Additional information


30cm to 40cm