
Oranges – 15 varieties

 45.000 595.000

SKU: F-ORANGEN Categories: ,
<p>Information about our orange varieties:</p>


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between May and July.
  • It belongs to a seedless variety, which has few to no seeds.


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between April and May.
  • It belongs to a seedless variety, which has few to no seeds.

Blood Orange / Sanguina

  • The approximate ripening time is usually between May and July.
  • Blood oranges are known for their intense red flesh, caused by anthocyanins.
  • The peel may have an orange color, but the flesh often has a blood-red color.
  • They have a sweet and slightly acidic taste and are a popular ingredient in juices and desserts.


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between March and April.
  • It belongs to a seedless variety, which has few to no seeds.


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between October and November.

Folha Murcha

  • The approximate ripening time is usually between January and March.


  • Hamiln oranges are medium to large with a thin, smooth skin.
  • They have a sweet and mild taste with little acidity.
  • Hamiln oranges are popular for fresh juice and for direct consumption.


  • Jaffa oranges are large with a smooth, orange peel.
  • They have a sweet and juicy taste with a balanced ratio of sweetness and acidity.
  • Jaffa oranges are a popular variety for direct consumption and for fresh juice.


  • Information will be added in the future.


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between April and June.


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between July and August.
  • Salustiana oranges are medium-sized with a smooth, orange peel.
  • They have a sweet and juicy taste with little acidity.
  • Salustiana oranges are popular for fresh juice and for direct consumption.


  • The approximate ripening time is usually between May and July.
  • Valencia oranges are large with a thick, slightly dimpled peel.
  • They have a sweet and juicy taste with a hint of acidity.
  • Valencia oranges are a popular variety for fresh juice.


  • Information will be added in the future.


  • It belongs to a seedless variety, which has few to no seeds.

Oranges have been cultivated throughout history in many parts of the world. They belong to the Rutaceae family and are closely related to other citrus fruits such as lemons and grapefruits. Nowadays, oranges are grown in many subtropical and tropical regions and are one of the most commonly consumed fruits worldwide.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
They are evergreen trees that typically reach a height of 5-10 meters, although some varieties can grow taller. The leaves are dark green, glossy, and elliptical with a slightly serrated edge. The flowers are white and fragrant, appearing in large quantities in spring. The fruits are round or oval and have a thick, orange peel rich in essential oils.

Cultivation and Care
Oranges require a sunny location and well-drained soil. They are relatively easy to care for and need regular watering, especially during dry periods. Regular fertilization in spring and summer promotes growth and fruiting. Oranges are susceptible to some diseases and pests such as citrus leafminer and citrus rust mite, so proper care and monitoring are important.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
Oranges have a sweet and juicy taste with a slight acidic undertone. They can be eaten raw, squeezed for juice, used in salads, or processed into jam. Orange peels are frequently used for their aromatic oils and find applications in the food and perfume industries. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, making them a healthy choice for a balanced diet.

Harvest Time
The harvest time for oranges varies depending on the variety and geographical location but is usually between fall and winter. Typically, the first fruits are harvested 2-3 years after planting the tree, with an increasing harvest time in the following years as the tree matures.

Oranges are self-pollinating and usually do not require cross-pollination from other plants to produce fruit. However, bees and other insects can contribute to pollination and promote fruit formation.

Additional information


Bahia, Bahianinha, Blutorange, Bonanza, Calderon, Folha Murcha, Hamlin, Jaffa, Climbing orange, Mbujapey, Salustiana, Valencia, Variegada, Washington

Height and grafting

grafted – 30cm to 40cm, grafted – 160cm to 180cm