Manaca da Serra


(Tibouchina mutabilis)



The Manaca da Serra, scientifically known as Tibouchina mutabilis, is a species of plant in the Melastomataceae family. Originally from the tropical forests of Brazil, where it is endemic to the elevations of the Serra do Mar, a coastal mountain range. This impressive plant is also known as the “Tree of Life” and is valued for its striking flowers and attractive foliage.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
It is an evergreen tree that can reach a height of up to 12 meters in its natural environment, although it often is smaller in cultivated settings. The leaves are oval to lanceolate, leathery, and dark green, which contrasts beautifully with the bright flowers. The flowers appear in clusters and can have various colors, including violet, pink, and white. They open in the morning and change color throughout the day, earning them the name “Manaca da Serra” (translated as “Mountain Flower”).

Cultivation and Care
It thrives best in moist, well-drained soils and prefers a semi-shaded location. However, it also tolerates full sun as long as it is adequately watered. The plant should be regularly watered, especially during dry periods, but waterlogging should be avoided to prevent root rot. Regular pruning promotes a bushy form and can increase flowering abundance.

The plant is commonly cultivated as an ornamental tree in parks, gardens, and public green spaces, where it is appreciated for its striking flowers and attractive foliage. It is also suitable for planting along street edges and avenues and is often used in landscaping projects to bring color and diversity.

The Manaca da Serra is mainly pollinated by bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, which are attracted by the rich nectar sources of the flowers. The flowers also provide an important food source for various other insects and birds. After pollination, the flowers turn into small fruits that are consumed by birds, thus aiding in the dispersal of seeds.