

 45.000 245.000

(Citrus limon)

SKU: F-ZITRONE Categories: ,


Appearance and Origin
The lemon (Citrus limon) is an evergreen plant belonging to the Rutaceae family. Originally from Southeast Asia, it is now cultivated worldwide in temperate climates. The lemon is known for its yellow, juicy fruits with a characteristic sour taste and a refreshing scent.

They have a compact, bushy form with thorny branches and glossy, elliptical leaves. They can grow between 3 and 6 meters tall and have a spreading crown. The small, white flowers usually appear in spring and emit a pleasant fragrance.

Cultivation and Care
They prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. They require regular watering, especially during dry periods, and should be protected from heavy frost. Pruning can help control the shape and improve air circulation. Lemon trees can also be grown in pots or containers, making them an ideal option for balcony or terrace cultivation.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
Lemons are known for their sour taste, which is versatile in the kitchen. The fruits can be freshly squeezed to make juice, which is used in beverages, salad dressings, marinades, and desserts. Lemon zest can be grated or chopped to enhance flavors in dishes. Additionally, lemons are often used to make jams, jellies, and syrups.

Harvest Time
They typically begin to bear fruit after about 1 to 2 years, depending on growth conditions and variety. The main harvest time for lemons is in winter and spring, although some varieties can bear fruit throughout the year.

Lemon trees are usually self-pollinating and do not require specific pollinators to produce fruit. Pollination mainly occurs through bees and other insects visiting the flowers.

Additional information

Größe und Sorte

Real 60cm bis 80cm, Limeira 8a 60cm bis 80cm, Zitronat 60cm bis 80cm, Eureka Zweifarbig 60cm bis 80cm, Lushington (Schrumpelige) 60cm bis 80cm, Persische 60cm bis 80cm, Alle 6 Sorten