Indian shot / Achira


(Canna indica)



Appearance and Origin
The Indian shot, also known as Achira and scientifically referred to as Canna indica, is a striking and versatile ornamental plant. Originally hailing from the tropical regions of the Americas, it is widespread in many parts of the world due to its attractive flowers and lush foliage. The plant is characterized by its large, colorful flowers and robust, erect stems.

Growth and Appearance
The Indian shot is a perennial herbaceous plant that can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The leaves are large, lanceolate, and of a vigorous green color. The flowers are striking and can appear in various colors such as red, yellow, orange, and pink. They sit on long stems and have a typical funnel-shaped structure.

Cultivation and Care
For successful cultivation, the Indian shot requires a sunny location with well-drained soil. It is important to water the plant regularly, especially during dry periods, to promote healthy growth. The addition of organic fertilizer can improve growth and flowering. Indian shots can be grown in pots, beds, or as striking accents in garden landscapes.

Flowering Period
The flowering period of the Indian shot typically extends over the warm months of the year, from spring to autumn. Under favorable conditions, the plant can bloom continuously, providing the garden with a lasting display of colors. The flowers attract numerous pollinating insects, contributing to the garden’s biodiversity.

Pollination of the Indian shot primarily occurs through insects such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, attracted by the rich nectar sources of the flowers. The pollinated flowers develop into seed capsules containing seeds for the plant’s reproduction. This natural pollination supports the conservation of the Indian shot population and promotes ecological balance in its habitat.

Additional information


Red-yellow, Yellow, Lightpink