Imperial Bromeliad

 160.000 250.000

(Alcantarea imperialis)



Appearance and Origin
The Imperial Bromeliad (Alcantarea imperialis) is an imposing and impressive plant from the Bromeliaceae family. Originally hailing from the rainforests of Brazil, it is native to the humid subtropical regions. Alcantarea imperialis is characterized by its large, robust rosettes of leaves, which can often reach a diameter of up to one meter. The leaves are deep green and may have a silvery or reddish tint. The plant rarely produces flowers, but when it does, it forms a tall inflorescence with numerous small yellow flowers.

Growth & Blooming Period
This plant has a slow growth rate and takes several years to reach its full size. Typically, it only blooms once in its lifetime, often occurring after many years. The blooming period may vary depending on the location and growing conditions but usually happens during the warmer months of the year. The impressive bloom of the Alcantarea imperialis is a remarkable event and can last several weeks or even months.

Cultivation and Care
Successful cultivation of the Imperial Bromeliad requires proper care. It prefers bright to semi-shaded locations with indirect sunlight and cannot tolerate direct midday sun. The substrate should be well-drained to avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. The plant requires regular watering, especially during the active growth period, but water should not pool in the leaf rosette. Indoors, the Alcantarea imperialis can be fed occasionally with a diluted, balanced fertilizer to support its growth.

Pollination is typically carried out by hummingbirds or other nectar-loving animals attracted to the yellow flowers. Since the plant rarely blooms, pollination is often a rare sight and can help in producing new generations of plants. Pollination indoors can be neglected as the plants are often not intended for seed production.

Additional information


30cm to 40cm, 40cm to 50cm, 50cm to 60cm