
 40.000 55.000




Appearance and Origin
Hibiscus, also known as rose mallow, is a versatile and attractive genus of plants belonging to the family Malvaceae. This plant species originally hails from tropical and subtropical regions of the world, including Asia, Africa, and the Pacific islands. Hibiscus is known for its striking, trumpet-shaped flowers in vibrant colors like red, pink, yellow, and white. The leaves are green and can have different shapes depending on the species, ranging from heart-shaped to lanceolate.

Growth & Blooming Period
Hibiscus plants vary in size and form, with some species being small shrubs while others can grow into tall trees. The blooming period typically extends over the warm months of the year, with many varieties showing continuous flowering throughout the season. The flowers can appear singly or in clusters and are often surrounded by conspicuous, long stamens that further enhance the appearance of the flowers.

Cultivation and Care
It is an easy-care plant that can thrive in various environments. It prefers a sunny location with well-draining soil and cannot tolerate prolonged periods of drought. Regular watering is important, especially during dry spells, to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering. It is advisable to fertilize the plant once a year to ensure optimal nutrient supply. Hibiscus can be grown both in the garden and in containers on patios or balconies.

Pollination is typically carried out by bees, bumblebees, and other pollinating insects attracted by the abundant nectar reserves of the flowers. These insects help transfer pollen from one flower to another, leading to fertilization and the formation of new seeds. Some species of hibiscus can also be pollinated by hummingbirds, which are also attracted by the bright flowers.

Additional information


30cm to 40cm, 60cm to 70cm


Lightpink, Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow-orange-red, Yellow-red