Gardenie / Jazmín del Cabo


(Gardenia jasminoides)

SKU: ZB-GARDENIE Categories: ,


Appearance and Origin
The Gardenia, botanically known as Gardenia jasminoides, is a popular evergreen plant cherished for its fragrant flowers and glossy leaves. Originally hailing from the subtropical regions of Asia, particularly from China and Japan, the plant is characterized by its dark green, shiny leaves and its large, creamy-white flowers that emit a sweet, intense fragrance. The petals are often heavily folded, giving the flower a unique and appealing form.

Growth & Blooming Period
They typically grow compact and bushy, reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters. The blooming period usually extends from spring to summer, although some varieties can also bloom in autumn. The flowers appear singly or in small clusters along the branches, remaining open for several days before fading. The plant prefers a semi-shaded location with rich, well-drained soil and sufficient humidity.

Cultivation and Care
Growing requires a warm, sheltered location with adequate sunlight, especially during the blooming period. The soil should be slightly acidic and rich in organic materials such as compost or leaf mulch. The plant requires regular watering to keep the soil moist, but waterlogging should be avoided as it can lead to root rot. Regular fertilization during the growing season can promote growth and flowering.

Gardenias are pollinated by various insects, including bees, bumblebees, and butterflies, which collect nectar from the flowers. Pollination occurs when the pollinators pick up pollen from the stamens and transfer it to other flowers. Seed production occurs after successful pollination, contributing to the plant’s reproduction. Indoors, pollination can be encouraged by gently tapping the branches or by placing the plant outdoors to attract natural pollinators.