Dragon fruit / Pitaya

 125.000 155.000

(Selenicereus undatus)



Appearance and Origin
The dragon fruit, also known as pitaya (Selenicereus undatus), is an exotic fruit belonging to the cactus family. Originally from Central and South America, it is now cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. The fruit has a striking, bright red skin with green scales and green, scale-covered flesh interspersed with numerous small, edible black seeds.

The plant is an epiphytic climbing plant, often growing on trees in nature. It has long, slender stems with numerous thorns and climbs using aerial roots or supports. The flowers are white and trumpet-shaped, usually blooming at night.

Cultivation and Care
Dragon fruits thrive best in warm, subtropical climates with plenty of sunshine. They prefer well-drained soils and cannot tolerate waterlogging. The plants require regular watering, especially during the flowering and fruiting phases, as well as occasional fertilization to promote healthy growth.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The flesh has a mild, sweet taste and a slightly crunchy texture reminiscent of a mix between pear and kiwi. The fruits can be eaten raw and are excellent as an ingredient in fruit salads, smoothies, desserts, and even savory dishes. They are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, making them a healthy addition to the diet.

Harvest Time
The fruits are usually harvested in late summer to autumn, about 1-2 years after the plant is grown from seeds or cuttings. The first fruits may appear as early as the second or third year after planting, depending on growing conditions.

Dragon fruit flowers are typically pollinated by nocturnal insects such as bats and moths, attracted by the sweet scent of the flowers. In some cases, pollination also occurs by bees and other insects during the nighttime hours.

Additional information

Height and Color

Yellow – 60cm to 80cm, Pink & White – 60cm to 80cm