




Appearance and Origin
Caladium, a genus of plants in the Araceae family, includes several species with striking leaves, often heart-shaped or lanceolate. They originate from the tropical regions of South America, particularly from Brazil and Peru. These plants are known for their diverse leaf patterns, ranging from bright green to pink, red, white, and cream.

Growth and Flowering Period
They grow from bulbous rhizomes that they store during the winter dormancy. They prefer warm, humid conditions and thrive best in tropical and subtropical climates. Under optimal conditions, they can reach heights of about 30 to 60 centimeters. The flowering period of Caladium is inconspicuous and generally not significant in ornamental horticulture, as the leaves are the main attraction.

Cultivation and Care
For cultivation, a semi-shaded to shaded location is ideal, as direct sunlight can scorch the sensitive leaves. The soil should be well-drained and rich in organic matter to ensure good drainage and moisture retention. Regular watering is important to keep the soil evenly moist without causing waterlogging. During the growing season from spring to autumn, fertilizing applications every few weeks can help promote healthy growth.

Caladium plants rarely flower in cultivation, and their main attraction is their decorative leaves. In the wild, they are primarily pollinated by wind, as their flowers are small and inconspicuous.

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Pink, Pink-Lightpink-White, White