Bow hemp





Appearance and Origin
The Bow hemp plant, originally from Mexico, thrives in subtropical regions. It is cultivated worldwide as a houseplant, especially popular during Christmas due to its bright red bracts. The plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is often considered a symbol of the festive season because of its striking bracts.

Growth and Appearance
The plant grows compact and bushy, reaching a height of up to one meter. The leaves are oval to lance-shaped and have a medium green color. The striking bracts, often mistaken for flowers, are actually bract-like leaves and can be intensely red, pink, white, or even green. The actual flowers are small, yellow-green, and sit inconspicuously in the center of the bracts.

Cultivation and Care
For successful cultivation, the Bow hemp plant requires a bright location protected from direct midday sunlight. The temperature should be constant and not too cool, ideally between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. During the growth phase in spring and summer, regular but moderate watering is necessary, avoiding waterlogging. From autumn onwards, watering should be reduced to encourage flower formation. Monthly fertilization with a liquid fertilizer for houseplants is recommended.

Blooming Period
The main blooming period extends from November to January. Under favorable conditions, it can also bloom outside this period.

Pollination is mainly carried out by insects, although as a houseplant, it generally does not produce seeds. However, in its natural environment, insects play an important role in pollinating the flowers, leading to seed production.