Blue Palm

 370.000 950.000

(Bismarckia nobilis)

SKU: P-AZUL Category:


Bismarckia nobilis, also known as Bismarck Palm or Blue Palm Fan, is an imposing palm species native to Madagascar. It is named after the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and was first discovered in the 19th century. Nowadays, it is cultivated as an ornamental plant in many parts of the world due to its striking appearance and robust growth.

Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics
It is a large palm species that can reach heights of up to 25 meters. It has a massive, columnar trunk surrounded by old leaf sheaths. The leaves of the Bismarck Palm are large, bluish-green in color, and arranged in a fan shape. The crown size may vary depending on the age and location, but overall, Bismarckia nobilis forms an impressive and attractive appearance.

Cultivation and Care
It thrives best in warm, subtropical climates and prefers a sunny location with well-drained soil. It is relatively tolerant to drought and can withstand occasional dry periods, although it requires regular watering during the growing season. Waterlogging should be avoided to prevent root rot. This palm species requires minimal care and is therefore a popular choice for landscape architects in warm climates.

This palm is often used as a focal point in parks, gardens, and landscapes, where it is appreciated for its striking appearance and attractive leaves. It also adapts well to cultivation in pots and containers and can be kept indoors as a houseplant as long as it receives sufficient light. Additionally, it is sometimes used in landscape architecture for designing avenues, squares, and driveways.

Pollination typically occurs through the wind. The plant produces male and female inflorescences, each producing pollen or eggs. The wind carries the pollen from the male inflorescences to the female inflorescences, leading to fertilization and seed development. These seeds are often eaten and spread by birds and other animals, contributing to the spread of the palm.

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60cm to 80cm, 100cm to 120cm