
 25.000 45.000

(Rubus fruticosus)



Appearance and Origin
The blackberry, botanically known as Rubus fruticosus, is a perennial plant from the rose family. It is known for its dark, juicy fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Originally, blackberries are native to Europe, Asia, and North America.

They are characterized by long, flexible stems known as canes or thorns. They can grow as upright shrubs or trailing vines, often reaching heights of up to two meters. The leaves are hand-shaped and consist of five to seven serrated leaflets. The plant produces white or pink flowers that develop into delicious, deep purple fruits.

Cultivation and Care
These plants thrive best in well-drained soils and prefer sunny to semi-shaded locations. They require regular watering, especially during fruiting, and benefit from an organic mulch layer to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Regular pruning of old stems promotes the growth of new shoots and improves fruit production.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruits are juicy and sweet-tart in taste and are excellent for fresh consumption or use in various culinary preparations. They are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants and are often processed into jams, jellies, desserts, or fresh fruit salads. The dark berries add a delicious flavor to any dish.

Harvest Time
They are typically harvested from summer to fall, with the peak harvest season between July and September. The first fruits usually appear in the second year after planting blackberries.

Blackberries are self-pollinating, meaning they do not require pollinating insects to produce fruit. The flowers contain both male and female parts and are capable of self-pollination. However, insects such as bees and bumblebees can help improve pollination and increase yields.

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With spikes, Stingless