Begonia heracleifolia


(Begonia heracleifolia)



Appearance and Origin
Begonia heracleifolia, also known as “Shield-leaf Begonia,” is an attractive indoor plant valued for its striking leaves and delicate flowers. Originally hailing from the humid forests of South America, particularly from Brazil and Argentina, the leaves of this begonia are heart-shaped with a distinctive texture reminiscent of turtle shells. They are dark green in color and often have a reddish hue on the undersides of the leaves.

Growth & Flowering Period
Begonia heracleifolia grows compactly, forming small bushes reaching heights of about 20 to 30 centimeters. The flowering period of this begonia occurs in spring and summer. The flowers are small, delicate, and appear in loose clusters above the foliage. They range in color from pink to purple, lending the plant a charming and romantic character.

Cultivation and Care
This variety of begonia prefers bright but indirect light conditions. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can lead to leaf burns. Begonia heracleifolia thrives in well-draining and humus-rich soil. The substrate should be kept evenly moist but not wet. Waterlogging must be avoided as it can lead to root rot. Regular fertilization is necessary to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering. A balanced liquid fertilizer applied every few weeks during the growing season is ideal.

Pollination in nature primarily occurs through insects such as bees and butterflies. The delicate flowers attract these pollinators, facilitating the transfer of pollen from flower to flower. Indoors, pollination can be simulated by gently shaking the plant or blowing air to pollinate the flowers and encourage the formation of new buds.