

 45.000 90.000


SKU: F-AVOCADO Categories: ,


The avocado, botanically known as Persea, is an evergreen tree species belonging to the Lauraceae family. It originates from the tropical and subtropical regions of Central America, particularly from Mexico and Guatemala.

It is a medium to large-sized tree that can reach heights of up to 20 meters in its natural habitat. It has a wide, spreading crown with dense foliage. The avocado tree is characterized by its dense, dark green leaves and its pyramid-shaped growth. The fruits are pear-shaped and have a rough, green, or dark purple skin that takes on a softer texture as it ripens.

Cultivation and Care
Avocados thrive best in warm, subtropical to tropical climates. They prefer loose, well-drained soils and cannot tolerate waterlogging. Cultivation often occurs through seeds or by grafting seedlings. Avocado trees require regular watering, especially during dry periods, and can benefit from occasional fertilizer applications. They are relatively low-maintenance but require space to grow and good ventilation.

Taste, Use, and Fruit
The fruit is famous for its creamy, buttery flesh that has a mild, slightly nutty flavor. Avocados are often eaten raw or processed into guacamole, salads, sandwiches, and other dishes. They are rich in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and are considered a superfood.

Harvest Time
They usually bear their first fruits about three to four years after planting. The main harvesting period varies depending on the variety and climate but often falls in late spring and summer.

The flowers are protogynous, meaning they have male and female flower organs that are active at different times. Pollination typically occurs through bees and other insects transferring pollen from male to female flowers. However, some varieties may also be self-pollinating.

Additional information

Type, grafting and size

Traditional – ungrafted – 80cm to 100cm, Traditional – grafted – 80cm to 100cm, Anis – grafted – 50cm to 60cm, Haas – grafted – 60cm to 80cm