

(Aphelandra squarrosa)



Appearance and Origin
Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly known as Aphelandra or Zebra Plant, is a striking indoor plant known for its distinctive leaves and eye-catching flowers. Originally hailing from the tropical rainforests of Brazil, the plant is characterized by its large, glossy leaves adorned with striking yellow stripes or spots, earning it the name “Zebra Plant.”

Growth & Flowering Period
Aphelandra grows upright, forming dense bushes reaching heights of up to 60 centimeters. Under optimal conditions, it can grow even larger. Its flowering period occurs in spring and summer. The flowers are striking, featuring bright yellow colors with red stripes or spots, creating an interesting contrast against the green foliage. The flower spikes can reach up to 10 centimeters in length, adding to the plant’s decorative appeal.

Cultivation and Care
For healthy growth, Aphelandra requires bright but indirect sunlight. Direct sun exposure should be avoided as it can lead to leaf burns. The plant prefers warm temperatures and should be protected from cold drafts. The substrate should be well-draining with good drainage to prevent waterlogging. Aphelandra requires regular watering, keeping the substrate lightly moist. Once a month during the growing season, the plant can be fertilized with a balanced liquid fertilizer to promote growth.

Pollination typically occurs through insects such as bees and bumblebees attracted by the striking flowers. The plant produces pollen and nectar to encourage pollination and enable seed production. Indoors, pollination can be simulated through air movement and manually shaking the flower spikes to encourage new flower formation.