Lime – 3 varieties

 45.000 450.000

SKU: F-LIMETTE Category:
<p>Information about the lime varieties:</p>

Finger Lime

  • The Finger Lime, also known as Caviar Lime, is an unusual variety of lime that produces small, elongated fruits with a unique texture.
  • The peel of the Finger Lime is thin and easy to pierce, and the flesh consists of tiny, juicy “pearls” that resemble caviar.
  • This lime has a refreshing sour taste with a hint of bitterness.
  • Finger Limes are often used as a garnish for cocktails, in salads, fish dishes, and desserts to provide an interesting flavor and appealing texture.


  • The Tahiti Lime, also known as Persian Lime, is one of the most commonly cultivated lime varieties.
  • It has a smooth, thin green peel and is medium-sized. The flesh is juicy and has a refreshingly sour taste.
  • Tahiti Limes are frequently used for making lime juice, cocktails, marinades, and dressings.


  • The Sutil Lime, also known as Sutil Lime or “Sweet Lemon,” is a variety of lime known for its sweetness. It is larger than the ordinary lime and has a smooth, thinner peel.
  • The flesh is juicy and has a sweet-sour taste, less acidic than that of a conventional lime.
  • The Sutil Lime is well-suited for making desserts, cocktails, and refreshing beverages.
Origin The lime, botanically known as Citrus aurantiifolia, originates from Southeast Asia and belongs to the Rutaceae family. It has been cultivated for centuries in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and is known for its sour aroma and versatile use in cooking and beverages. Growth, Appearance, and Characteristics They are evergreen trees or shrubs that typically reach a height of 3 to 6 meters, although some varieties can be larger. The leaves are elliptical, glossy, and dark green. The flowers are small, white, and fragrant, appearing in clusters at the ends of branches. The fruits are round to oval, with smooth, green or yellowish skin and juicy, acidic flesh. Cultivation and Care They require a warm, sunny location and well-drained soil. They do not tolerate temperatures below freezing and should be protected from frost. Regular watering is important, especially during dry periods, to promote growth and fruiting. Lime trees should be pruned regularly to maintain their shape and control their growth. Taste, Use, and Fruit Limes have a sour taste and are less sweet than lemons. They are often used in cooking to season dishes, prepare sauces, dressings, and beverages. Their juice and zest provide a refreshing aroma to many foods and drinks. Limes are also rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, offering many health benefits. Harvest Time The harvest time varies depending on the variety and climatic conditions but is usually between summer and autumn. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe and have a bright green color. They can also be picked when still green and ripen later, but the optimal flavor is achieved when they are fully ripe. Pollination Lime trees are self-pollinating and produce fruit without the need for pollinators such as bees or other insects. The flowers contain both male and female reproductive organs and are capable of self-pollination, leading to reliable fruit formation.

Additional information


Finger Lime, Tahiti, Sutil

Height and grafting

20cm to 40cm, 40cm to 60cm, 60cm to 80cm, 80cm to 100cm, 100cm to 120cm, 120cm to 140cm, 140cm to 160cm, 160cm to 180cm, 180cm to 200cm, 200cm to 220cm, 220cm to 240cm, 240cm to 260cm, 260cm to 280cm, 280cm to 300cm, ungrafted – 20cm to 40cm, ungrafted – 40cm to 60cm, ungrafted – 60cm to 80cm, ungrafted – 80cm to 100cm, ungrafted – 100cm to 120cm, ungrafted – 120cm to 140cm, ungrafted – 140cm to 160cm, ungrafted – 50cm to 70cm, ungrafted – 130cm to 150cm, ungrafted – 160cm to 180cm, ungrafted – 180cm to 200cm, ungrafted – 200cm to 220cm, ungrafted – 220cm to 240cm, ungrafted – 240cm to 260cm, ungrafted – 260cm to 280cm, ungrafted – 280cm to 300cm, grafted – 20cm to 40cm, grafted – 40cm to 60cm, grafted – 60cm to 80cm, grafted – 80cm to 100cm, grafted – 100cm to 120cm, grafted – 120cm to 140cm, grafted – 140cm to 160cm, grafted – 160cm to 180cm, grafted – 180cm to 200cm, grafted – 200cm to 220cm, grafted – 220cm to 240cm, grafted – 240cm to 260cm, grafted – 260cm to 280cm, grafted – 280cm to 300cm